Ravana and Rambha

 Everyone is aware of the Ramayana and ‎the abduction of Sita. How Ravana came to Sita everyday and tried to coerce her into marrying him and how Sita resisted the advances. Many believe that to Ravana’s credit, he did not try to force himself onto Sita, but only tried to weed out her reticence by presenting her with luxurious jewels and shimmering silk clothes.

However, the less known truth is that Ravana was cursed. According to a story the following story in the Ramayana, his curse was that if he ever touched a woman without her consent, his heads would explode. Rambha, the Queen of apsaras was married to Nalakuvara, the son of Kubera. Kubera was the step-brother of Ravana. Kubera used to be the ruler of illustrious Lanka, before being ousted by his own brother.


Once, Rambha was on her way to meet Nalakuvara, when she met Ravana along the way. Ravana, who had never seen such a wondrous sight. "I must have her," he said to himself. So, he said, “Dear lady, what is your name?” “I am Rambha, the wife of Nalakuvara. You may not know me, but I know who you are. Your brother, Kubera, is my father-in-law.” “He’s no brother of mine, he’s a half-demon, who is an aberration. I cast him out with all his kin,” said Ravana with some disgust. “No matter how you feel about him, he is still your brother, which makes you my father-in-law, too,” Rambha declared, as she had heard about Ravana’s reputation. “Come to think of it, I do believe that I heard my nephew had married an apsara. So you must be her,” Ravana’s eyes shone hungrily at the word apsara, “It is absurd to marry an apsara. You are a dancing nymph, a courtesan of Indra, and nothing more. I have heard of your exploits of being sent to sages so that you can seduce them and ruin their meditation. Your kind has no honour. Ready to be exploited by any man!” spat Ravana.SourceSource Rambha, on realising the intentions of Ravana tried to get away, but Ravana was stronger, a warrior and he overpowered her easily. After raping her, he left her and went back to Lanka. As Rambha lay there, she envisioned the horrendous fate that lay before her. After all, her husband may not accept her after this. She was so distraught that she lay there for hours, hoping for death. Meanwhile, an anxious Nalakuvara was hunting the entire forest for his wife. There were to meet by the river over six hours ago. He, himself, was envisioning all the horrible scenarios that could have befallen. Suddenly, he stopped when he heard loud, heart-wrenching sobs coming from the bushes. He recognised them to be his wife. Cautiously, he went to look, and found her bloody with tattered clothes, crouched into a foetal position. Before Rambha could explain, he gathered her into his arms and held her as she cried out the story of what Ravana had done to her. Nalakuvara, true to his credit, did not doubt his wife’s fidelity at all, but instead, took her home. Laid her to bed, and went immediately to the court of Ravana.SourceSource Ravana did not recognise his nephew, as he had never seen him before, but the youth looked angry yet stoic, so he asked, “How can I help you young man?” “You have helped enough, you dirty, old man,” said Nalakuvara menacingly. “What is your purpose, be clear,” said Ravana, now annoyed. “You touched my wife!” shouted Nalakuvara. “I never! It was she who seduced me, you know how these nymphs are by nature. I should have warned you before you married her, I have been remiss as an uncle,” Ravana absolved himself of all his crimes. “I know my wife is an apsara, but I also saw her state when I found her. Do not for a second think that your act would fool me. No matter, what’s done is done, I cannot hurt you, but I will curse you. By all that is holy, I curse you that if you ever touch another woman without her consent, your heads will explode. You will die a ghastly and painful death. Which, I can already tell is in your future,” Nalakuvara left the court as swiftly as he came, back to tend to his wife.